"inauthor:"Laurent"" sur
But as historian Laurent Dubois makes clear, its difficulties are rooted in its founding revolution, the only successful slave revolt in the history of the world; the hostility that this rebellion generated among the colonial powers; and ...
"inauthor:"Laurent"" sur
Han møter blikket til en kvinne som har mistet alt, og ønsker hevn. Styrken, raseriet og besluttsomheten i kvinnens blikk forandrer livet hans. Laurent Gaudé er blant Frankrikes mest populære forfattere.
"inauthor:"Laurent"" sur
The book is a love letter to the power of language—the most dangerous weapon is the tongue.” —The New Yorker “An affectionate send-up of an Umberto Eco–style intellectual thriller that doubles as an exemplar of the genre, filled ...
"inauthor:"Laurent"" sur
Monumental classic by the founder of modern chemistry features first explicit statement of law of conservation of matter in chemical change, and more. Facsimile reprint of original (1790) Kerr translation.
"inauthor:"Laurent"" sur
This collaborative research project allows for fundamental advances not only in the understanding of the phenomena but also in the development of practical calculation methods that can be used by engineers.
"inauthor:"Laurent"" sur
The book improves on earlier studies by advocating--and applying--a cross-disciplinary approach to explain strategic decision making in history.