Here is a small group of students, hailing from different walks of life, yet managing to come together and pledge to make a difference in each other’s lives and in those they encounter along the way.
The contents of this book come to life with raw information and testimonial in regard to the latest Apple iPhone incarnation; iPhone 6! Read about secret short cuts and bypasses that even the manufacturers don't talk about!
Printed deed with ms. entries, from Hill to Frederick L. Hill, also of Lyman, for a lot of land in Kennebunkport. Signed by Daniel Hill 2nd, Justice of the Peace.
Printed warrantee deed (S.L. Goodale, stationer, Saco, Me.) with ms. entries, from Hill to Nathaniel Hill, also of Lyman, for land in Lyman. Also signed by Sarah Hill, in the presence of Daniel Hill 2nd, Justice of the Peace.