... in . Author of reproduction : Alexander Hamilton Mencher . Tewa Enter- prises , Santa Fe , N. M .; 29 Jun51 ; H2099 . Navajo and his horse . Serigraph . 12 x 13 in . Author of reproduc- tion : Alexander Hamilton Mencher . Tewa ...
A Dramatized Biography of Alexander Hamilton Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton. would be both cowardly and futile . The point is to let those for whom it is intended know that a person in author- ity is talking ; and anonymous performances ...
... Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay (New York: New American Library, 1961), 78. 6 John C. Fitzpatrick, ed ... in author's 12 John Quincy Adams, “Inaugural Address,” 1825, in James D. Richardson, A Compilation of the ...
... and excise duties ; and sought to introduce publicity and trial by jury ... in author- ity , and a petition which he directed to the estates of the ... Alexander Hamilton . But chiefly he profited by observation of the young and ...
... in author profiling should also think critically about the nature of the labels that they assign. What is ... Hamilton or James Madison. They found that the papers in question patterned with Madison's writing style rather than ...
... and double - rap : in author's childhood , 2 ; and Hamilton , 54-55 ; and Huner , 11 , 13–14 ; Jackson on , 21 ; Lewis on , 88 ; and Michot , 68 , 69 ; in Tangipahoa Parish , 103 Calumet Swamp , 92 Carolina parakeet , 24 Catesby , Mark ...
... Hamilton , Black Power , 98-103 ; Smith interview with author , July 12 , 1989 . 24. Smith interview with author ... in author's possession ; " A Cele- bration of 50 Years of Southern Struggle and a Vision for the 21st Century ...
... Hamilton in duel ; attempted to establish a government in Mexico which should ultimately include southwestern part ... in author of " Financial Crises and Periods of 1875 ; Commercial and Industrial Depression , " published in 1902 ...
... Hamilton , " Personal Responsibility , " 154 ( " humour " ) ; Alloway , " Arts and the Mass Media , " 7-8 ... in author's possession . 27. For one of their essays on New Brutalism , see Alison Smithson and Peter Smith- son ...
... Alexander Hamilton (1757–1804) and Aaron Burr (1756–1836); a ... in Author English and 私奔沈雁冰私奔沈雁冰重譯匈牙利裴都菲著 Sándor Petöfi Elopement” “The 美洲偉人秘史風美洲偉人秘史風(unknown) (unknown: account Alexander of Hamilton) ...