... author , 1 vol . 8vo . N. Y. 1840 , 2608 2607 100 100 Diary in . Capt . Maryat , C. B. ... in . Author of " Cyril Thornton , " & c . 2 vols . 12mo . Phila . 1833 , 1928-9 77 AMERICA , NORTH , Extract from a Journal of Travels in . Ali Bey ...
... Bey , one of the rests . But as operations are too frequently deferred ... Ali , father of the present Viceroy , Said Pasha , twenty thousand persons ... in author- of her child - it being only necessary for her 198 THE MEDICAL ...
... ali - gan - or if , on the other hand , the function of ments , will it not ... in author then indicates these methods , and which the capillaries ... Bey and permanently , recovered . C , evacuations of hard and c ed , and she ...
... bey seinem Datter Stehen hat bezahlet werden solte . Dieweil jhr a ber ... in Author.fed Epifcopalis . C. non folùm quando filius poffidet bona , ex ... ali- inde ac in emancipatis , vt rectè aduertit Gloß . ment . tit . 1. quaft ...
... bey seinem Patter stehen hat / bezahlet werden solte . Dieweil shr aber ... in Author . fed Epifcopalis . C. de Epift . & Cler . Bartol . in l . item ... ali- mental . necare . 4 ff . de lib . agnofc . + Quod tamen 4 non aliter ...
... ali- cap . 12. fol . 77. Onuph . Panvin . de comit . Imper . quid de fumma ... in- Author ) majora vota præcedunt , non obftante , fi ter partes ... bey Janda , hoc tamen ita eft intelligendum , ut omnes den Aten / Stylum ...
... bey seinem Vatter Stehen hat bezahlet werden solte . Dieweil jhr de ber ... ali- ment . tit . i . quaft . 9. Matth . Coler . p . 2. decif . 254 . Andr ... in Author , fed Epifcopalis . C. de Epifc . & Cler . Bartol . in l . item ...
... bey Lebzeiten seines Vattern O. von S. vnd daer noch / wie Klägern nicht ... ali- mental . necare . 4 ff . de lib . agnofc . † Quod tamen 4 non aliter ... in Author . fed Epifcopalis . C. de Epifc . & Cler . Bartol . in l . item ...