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"inauthor: J. C. Barbier" sur
... j- , j ted, De ,Witt Clinton, aa ?r sjident, aw Henry Cjlay, Speaker 'of the ... in author- - W, who so criminally neglect the first dut> (pf good rulers ... Barbers, to lu'ther the reg- ,*lars\ and each one to cut the throat of ...
"inauthor: J. C. Barbier" sur
... j don.t know whe(her to be barber or in author." "Toss for it— heads or tales!" Before She Changed Her Mind. Jimmy— Jack wei pinched ye«- tej'da> for speeding, Joe Why? why • J""my-H,S - wife wanted to go home to her mothcr< joe \\/ejj ...
"inauthor: J. C. Barbier" sur
... J, L. Pollock and son Guy came down from Dubuqne last night to visit with ... Barber etal, to quit title. £>i C. Seaman vs ' • 'Jc';. Gpn w iv, iiiiuyon ... in author* authority - -'- in educational --' and public public station ...
"inauthor: J. C. Barbier" sur
... J. Herley, the well known boiler maker at Fishkill Landing, has been awarded ... barbers. \\ulor Cuiiiiiiissioners Meeting. Board met ut their rooms at 7::M ... i n author- inn i/l'<-' to make tho lease, if Iho off. or is accepted ...
"inauthor: J. C. Barbier" sur
... In author- author- Hy^ to clean : up^llqupf Vbuse5,"and Vbuse5,"and | called ... Barber). In the union sermon at the Collins-street Baptist Church last night ... j clare Its right to carrv the light i from Christ to others. The ...
"inauthor: J. C. Barbier" sur
... Barber) Factor, one-time bootblack who boasted he gambled with the Prince of Wales, was released early today by kidnapers who held him 8 days for $50,000 ransom. a. NEW m. YORK. Apr. 21. (UP)— J. Ramsay MacDonald and an array of ...
"inauthor: J. C. Barbier" sur
... J. Con- way Gillis, E. K. Music, Charlie Ferguson, Van Edwards, C. W. Barber ... in author ity, and we refer to the Super intendents, the Principals, anc the ... j om Ferrell and we would like'! like'! acknowledge his interest .and ...
"inauthor: J. C. Barbier" sur
... j -j S. B. 39O-Shannon (R). Seattle! Hanna (D). Wenatchec— Authorizes «ewer ... In author- land gO I0r it like United ized bond Issue being Inadequate to ... barbers to provide. mqre_lnsj>ectors. 41-0. 156 — Committee on highways ...
"inauthor: J. C. Barbier" sur
... In- author of "An- ti(|iiilies of (lie Christian ( huroh," "Tim Apostolic ... J'Yank Folk, of Coplay: ;l_ brother, Thomas Leh. of Kast tiree'n- ville, and ... barber, died early Ihiii morning in the Stale Hospital at Norristown ...
"inauthor: J. C. Barbier" sur
... j In m :he .im< old mistake, for o wronr , are f..r reaching. 13c pitiful ... barber for treatment oC her st-alp. lie advised em'lnifi' the. rel'r/i'-t ... i-n author much prah.i , b' :h jirol'e.- iouully j.ubliely. JJr Jii-s ...