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"inauthor: L. Parrelle" sur
in The Compliment You tin I'd In Author Johnson LEWISTON EVENING JOURNAL ... Parallel were slopped last week when lhe White House said the spcrel Paris ... in the classified ad sec lion of the Reading Crhonicle this week: ''For ...
"inauthor: L. Parrelle" sur
... In Che City or Now York, on tho 3d day of May, A. D. 1RS7. Present Hon. George P. liar roll, JuMloo orcHldlnc. In ... parallel with Fifty .ninth street, twenty-live reel) thence northerly ami again parallel with Second avenue, one ...
"inauthor: L. Parrelle" sur
... parallel in Korea and the Rus- sans to fight them north of 38. has been sadly misconstrued. More tiian a year after the Jap surrender the Russians and Americans both firmly entrenched in their re- Fpective zones, and the dividing line ...
"inauthor: L. Parrelle" sur
... in the Bronx, whose acts and writings are joining them to the socio-political climate of the day. The parallel with Gandhi is important. For an unannounced identification with his subject is one of the profoundest dimensions of ...
"inauthor: L. Parrelle" sur
... in any tense critical of or unfriendly to Mv. Roosevelt, for Senator Ellenrter sa>v nothing wronp in the Long ... parallel between the Loin1 regime in Louisiana and Mr Roosevelt's national policies and methods, but it is new to ...
"inauthor: L. Parrelle" sur
... In Saturday night's issue a a reason Is given for the lack of water In ih ih ... parallel case. Admit, for gament's sake, that the main was filled th air ... in great need of ts most abundant supply ? What was the eabon that ...
"inauthor: L. Parrelle" sur
... In. print, loo! Very different! If f cwr find out who lhat compositor Is, and if he proves to he of sufficient ... parallel nor In opposite directions, bul tungenlially. In the first place, words, most words at least, havp accurale ...
"inauthor: L. Parrelle" sur
... in author-. in the Timmins area. Hole No. 64-8, put put down. vertically 100 fi. north and casl Saskatchewan government two of hole No. 64-7, was completed ipolash exploration permits cov- to a dcplh of 356 ft. The best enng aboul 200.000 ...
"inauthor: L. Parrelle" sur
... In llic relcliataff today, llerr HI. liter, tho raillnil Icador. i-pff-rrlntj to the riilnrso iiiiesilon mild ho ri ... parallel with ours In Asia. Sincere friends, wo reward Uussln's natural development with uiienvlous sympathy ...
"inauthor: L. Parrelle" sur
... In the generally accepted Potterific Scale of 1 to 10 — in which Book 1 in ... parallel between the elves' lives and slavery, which hovers uncomfortably ... in older children's classics that go over young readers' heads. It seems ...