Levi Woodbury (December 22, 1789 – September 4, 1851) was an American attorney, jurist, and Democratic politician from New Hampshire.
Levi Woodbury was a respected Supreme Court justice, though he did not leave a great impression on the court during his five-year tenure.
Levi Woodbury est un juriste et homme politique américain. Il est gouverneur du New Hampshire entre 1823 et 1824 puis siège au Sénat de 1825 à 1831 et de 1841 à 1845 avant de devenir secrétaire ... Wikipédia
Date/Lieu de naissance : 22 décembre 1789, Francestown, New Hampshire
Date de décès : 4 septembre 1851, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Petit-enfant : Woodbury Blair
Grands-parents : Elizabeth Dodge et Peter Woodbury Sr.
Arrière-petit-enfant : Ethel Anderson Fogg
Arrière-grands-parents : Hannah Perkins, Josiah Woodbury et Elizabeth Dodge
Lecture on the Uncertainties of History: Delivered in the Hall of the House of Representatives of the United States, Before the Capitol Hill Institute, Dec. 17, 1842
Writings of Levi Woodbury, LL. D. Political, Judicial and Literary; Volume 01
The Annual Address Delivered Before the National Institute, in the Hall of the House of Representatives, January 15, 1845
An Address on the Remedies for Certain Defects in American Education: Delivered Before Lyceums Or Institutes for Education at Portsmouth and Exeter, N.H., Baltimore and Annapolis, Md. and Washington, D.C.
Telegraphs for the United States: Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury Transmitting a Report Upon the Subject of a System of Telegraphs for the United States
Levi Woodbury (1798 - 1851), formerly Secretary of the Navy, was appointed Secretary of the Treasury by President Jackson in 1834 and continued under President ...
Levi Woodbury was born in 1789 in Francestown, New Hampshire. He attended the local Atkinson Academy and graduated from Dartmouth College, with honors, in 1809.
Levi Woodbury (1789-1851) --. 9th Secretary of the Navy, 23 May 1831 - 30 June 1834. Levi Woodbury was born in Francestown, New Hampshire, on 22 December ...
WOODBURY, Levi, a Senator from New Hampshire; born in Francestown, N.H., December 22, 1789; graduated from Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., in 1809; ...
Woodbury served on the Supreme Court for five years and died on September 4, 1851, at the age of sixty-one.
9 déc. 2024 · American politician who was an associate justice of the Supreme Court from 1846 to 1851. Woodbury graduated from Dartmouth College in 1809.
Levi Woodbury, the fifteenth governor of New Hampshire, was born in Francestown, New Hampshire on December 22, 1789.
Levi Woodbury, Jackson's fifth and final and Martin Van Buren's only Treasury Secretary, was born in Francetown, New Hampshire in 1789 and died in 1851 in ...