The University of the State of New York (USNY) is the most complete, interconnected system of educational services in the United States.
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The Office of State Assessment (OSA) is responsible for the coordination, development, and implementation of the New York State Testing Program (NYSTP).
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This website contains information regarding examinations, appointments, and promotion within New York State. The Department of Civil Service can help you ...
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Discover how the Department of Education is working to ensure that all students have an onramp to a postsecondary education. Girl with Graduation Cap. Find a ...
Past Examinations · Elementary/Intermediate Tests (Grades 3-8) · High School Regents Examinations · Archived Examinations · University of the State of New York - ...
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Get specific information about a test, including when and where you can take the test, and access preparation materials by selecting the test from the ...
The New York State Court of Appeals adopted a new rule requiring applicants for admission to the New York State bar to perform 50 hours of pro bono services.
For a complete list of tests, including tests with rolling dates, view the full list of city, state and national tests.
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