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"inauthor: William B. Allen" sur
Film Premiere In Author"? Hometown. Home of "William Allen White at Emporia, Kansas, has b€«n selected fo£ the world premier* of "Journey for Margaret*" picturi- zation of the stirring -wartime novel written by the celebrated publisher's ...
"inauthor: William B. Allen" sur
... b« and hereby In author lied to assume as Its new corporate namo "This ... William H. solo executor of Hi" last wllland tent*,. mom of Nell ... Allen, of tho City and Htato of New York, and Esther, his wife," to ...
"inauthor: William B. Allen" sur
... Allen, author of " The Story of Plants" "Evolution of the Idea or God," €jtc ... William Thompson. To ronto: The C. H. Mortimer Co. Cloth pp. 152. The author ... b?;ing promoted. According to a communication from Lord Archibald ...
"inauthor: William B. Allen" sur
... Allen, William T. (Hodge. Wilton Lackaye. Dus- II, B. Warner, nnd Chrystal ... B»n»- nnlecd »»eod of. A, miles nn houi. * ~ — When HIP Alhpo , . Siook ... In author » no\\ -"ack Htmw;" JUss IStbo] nnrrjinprp ivill. hnvo n play 1>y ...
"inauthor: William B. Allen" sur
... William and Mary Allen Park Bmd- On Sept. 21. 1882. she was married ... B:ndloss. nil of Mystic. Mrs. Knte Brahmon of Deep River, nnd Miss Margaret ... in author in Ncw York. XANCV EWKN. Ite.sldcnt of Groton for Half ...
"inauthor: William B. Allen" sur
... B, Lane.. 8 14 to Spokane Vails D, Mattraso 14 PS??n PS??n ditio ditio to ... William Martin . William Martin ..... ..... ...... N8m' °' ^ L, D Holland ... Allen, Joseph McCarthy. Phiney, 8. Phiney, S. Phiney, 8. Phiney. S ...
"inauthor: William B. Allen" sur
... William Trevor, Michael Chabon, John Updike, Kazuo Ishig- uro, Jane Hamilton, Caleb Carr, Alice Walker and Nobelists Gunter Grass and Jose Saramago. Notable new authors include Bonnie Burnard, Nomi Eve, Allen B. Bal- lard and F.X. Toole ...
"inauthor: William B. Allen" sur
... William Nixon, of Doherty & Wadsworth; Alfred Grimshaw, of Grimshaw Brothers ... b the Wilson bill. The talk about the silL people being fortunate in having ... Allen Foster was next introduced. There were some In the audience ...
"inauthor: William B. Allen" sur
... B»rt, being couverted into a Russian strongion between the Lehigh valley ... Allen 143. Liverpool, with rudder gone, stern-post rom Portland, Oregon ... William Sebum, of'foigery, was released to-day on the Mr. Morgan would add ...
"inauthor: William B. Allen" sur
... William Benjamin, of Houston, Tei. . . is ni th< city and will remain for ... Allen, of Tippecanoetowu. Marshall county, a granddaughter of J.R.Allen, of ... b< Her than he has been for s,om<- li-in The last time he was seen down ...